Friday, April 2, 2010

Job Hunting in the Facebook Age

Some odd things are happening in the job hunting this year.

One applicant was rejected because after “friending” the manager on Facebook, the manager saw “a semi-nude picture” of him or her. Now, to be sure, people need to be circumspect on Facebook but what is “semi-nude”? - Wearing a swimsuit at the beach? - Shorts and a halter-top in the backyard?

A big no-no is to describe the job you’re applying for as “your dream job”. This means that you’re not sincere. - As in not honest. - As in, “get lost.” So, how can employers be so sure? Cannot applicants have more than one dream job? I’ve dreamt of being a movie star, of being President, of being a really rich writer. – And of being a CPA, too. Was I not being honest when I told employers that this was my dream job?

I saw that one financial services company requires all of its representatives to post nothing about finances on the internet. – Nothing?

Now, people do need to be circumspect on the internet. There’s way too much irresponsible behavior out there. All participants in the business world, employers, their employees, job applicants need to develop a mentality of acceptable conduct on the net which catches up to the technology.

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