I see that a top rated blog is The Consumerist. It is visually attractive but its content seems to me to be shallow. Now a blog is not a book. I realize that posts ought to be short and they need to get to the point. Still, things ought to be explained, I believe. Also, there needs to be some indication where a person ought to go for further information.
Two posts troubled me.
1) Their top post as I write this is about short selling houses. The item contains an interesting story but does not explain what short selling homes means.
2) Friday Flickr finds highlight pictures to be used in future posts. These are just eye candy. They do not convey any additional information. Indeed, the publisher does not even identify what topic these pictures will be used for. This is a regular Friday feature of the blog.
It has interesting news items. I just note that this is the top rated blog on Wisebread at present. We all could do better (yes, I know "we" means me,too!) but I think the very best should be better than this.
Herodotus the “Father of History”.
During the 5th. century BC few people could read, so Herodotus made his
living by going from town to town telling stories. Either he took stories
from his ...
6 years ago
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